International Women’s Day

Event time: 
Thursday, March 8, 2018 - 11:30am to 1:30pm
Event description: 

Join the Working Women’s Network, Yale Latino Networking Group, Women in Technology at Yale, and Yale University African American Affinity Group to celebrate International Women’s Day in various locations across campus on Thursday, March 8th. YAAA will be sponsoring the location at the Yale Health Plan, 55 Lock Street, 1st Floor Lobby, from 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM.

International Women’s Day means different things to different people. For some it’s a celebration, for others it’s a call-to-action to accelerate gender parity, and for many it’s an opportunity to align and promote relevant activity. International Women’s Day is the perfect moment for gender-focused action.

This year’s theme is: Press for Progress. We encourage you to think about how you can help forge a better working world - a more gender inclusive world. How will you help? What can you do? How will you hold yourself accountable? Come out on March 8th to add your #PressforProgress actions to our wall! There will also be wristbands and baked goods for sale to benefit #ProjectPeriod.

For more information about local International Women’s Day events, check out the links below:
