YAAA Career Connections

Breonna Taylor Statement

The Yale African American Affinity Group (YAAA) is saddened to see the lack of justice for Breonna Taylor in the recent grand jury announcement. Our deepest condolences go out to the loved ones of Breonna Taylor. We want to be clear in stating that justice has not been served. We now need to channel this disappointment into action. That action should start right here within our communities by speaking out, gathering in solidarity, and raising awareness.

Career Spotlight - Maya Martindale

What is your current role at Yale University?

My current role is Senior Administrative Assistant for the Shared Interests Group of the Yale Alumni Association.

What are your main responsibilities?

My main responsibility is to engage alumni that have a shared interest to the university and fellow alumni. I assist two Associate Directors, a Senior Director, and alumni volunteers in online and in person programming with project management, event management, and website content management.

Event Recap: YAAA Book Club Discussion - The Vanishing Half: A Novel By Brit Bennett

On Tuesday, July 28th, several YAAA members attended a Zoom book club discussion on The Vanishing Half: A Novel by Brit Bennett. Themes that emerged during the discussion included: race, racial identity, colorism, passing, privilege, cultural trauma, the “American Dream” of whiteness, racial bigotry, two faces of the black experience, perceived stain of blackness, performing race, tragic mulatto, domestic violence, belonging, loneliness, and abandonment.

In addition, a few of our members agreed to share how the book personally resonated with them:

YAAA Social Justice Statement

Yale African American Affinity Group (YAAA) stands in solidarity with the call for justice in response to the recent deaths of George Floyd in Minnesota, Breonna Taylor in Kentucky and Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia. We reject the notions of racism and intolerance. YAAA is committed to creating a more inclusive and just society. We will work to bring to life the words of Thurgood Marshall, “Where you see wrong or inequality or injustice, speak out, because this is your country. This is your democracy. Make it. Protect it.