YAAA Career Connections
Getting Started with LinkedIn Learning
The Best Advice For Remote Work Success From 10 Global Teams
YAAA Adopt A Family Recap
On December 16th, YAAA and the New Haven Club, Inc. were able to donate Christmas gifts for a family of three registered with the Christian Community Action Agency, Inc. (CCA). Collectively, we raised $430 and received items listed on the family’s wish list. YAAA is truly thankful for all of the donations and those who volunteered to wrap gifts. For more than 51 years, CCA has been a force for community building and social change. CCA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Career Spotlight - Belinda Esther Oliver
What is your title?
I am a financial assistant, level 4, within the Child Study Center’s business office.
What are your main responsibilities within that role?
I initially started on the Pre-Award team (Other Sponsored Research). As of November 1st, there has been a change in staff, and I now provide support in all capacities.
How would you say you started off your career? Can you walk us through your journey while at Yale?