YAAA Career Connections

Employee Spotlight: Jasmine Williams

Tell me about your current role at Yale.

I am the Operations Manager for Classics, Philosophy, African American Studies and most recently the Yale New Haven Teacher’s Institute. I manage everything from finances and budgeting, staff management, human resources, facilities, support for the department Chair and overall departmental operations. I’ve been in my current role for 1.5 years, but I have been an Operations Manager for the last 10 years.

What are your main responsibilities?

Forget Type A and Type B. These days, job seekers need to be Type R

When life throws you a curveball—a setback at work, a job loss, or a painful event in your personal life—how do you react?

If you use the experience as an opportunity to get smarter, stronger, and better prepared for your next move, you may already be what co-authors Ama Marston and Stephanie Marston call a “Type R”: someone skilled at using tough times as a catalyst for growth.