YAAA Career Connections

Importance of Affinity Groups Relayed to Managers in Message from Mike Peel

Vice President of HR, Mike Peel recently sent the below communication to all Yale managers describing the importance and relevance of Affinity Groups for employees. He encouraged managers to allow employees to attend events during business hours, as they benefit the entire University. We are extremely proud to have the support of Mike and HR in our goals to make Yale a better place to work, and look forward to increased flexibility by of managers in allowing their employees the ability to attend YAAA events that may overlap with their working time.

Useful Career Development App

April 2020 - The App to Beat Procrastination: Focus Keeper - a great tool for implementing the Pomodoro Method, a working strategy that involves 25-minute spurts of focused work with a five-minute break. It has a simple interface and charts that track your progress. Stick with it and you’ll be surprised how much it’ll enhance your productivity.